Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring Equinox

Happy Spring Equinox. I love this day.
I found this this morning and thought it was kind of cool to share:

Make a Prayer Flag - How To

Inspired by Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, by Cait Johnson (SkyLight Paths, 2003).
Spring is here, and the winds of change are blowing; the sky fills with birds and returning life is everywhere. In this season of airy expansiveness and hope, we can send out our wishes for peace, healing, and harmony on the winds with a simple prayer flag, inspired by a traditional Tibetan Buddhist practice. Here’s how to make a prayer flag.

This can be as simple or as elaborate as you like or as time allows, but all you really need is a small piece of smooth fabric, any size you like (although traditionally, these are not larger than about a twelve-inch square). You could use a piece torn from a discarded sheet, or an old handkerchief.
First, give some time and thought to the prayer you want to send out into the world. Now, using paint or an indelible pen or marker, write or draw your prayer on the fabric. If you have the time and the desire, you could add appliqués, hand-embroidery, or painting, but these are strictly optional.
Attach your flag to a length of string by folding down an inch of fabric from the top and doing a simple running stitch, then threading a piece of string through this channel. You could also use safety pins, or sew a length of ribbon at both top corners that are used to tie the flag to the string.
On a breezy day, bring your prayer flag and string outdoors and take a moment to ground and center yourself. Close your eyes and imagine the winds taking your prayer out to the world. Now choose a place to leave your flag where the wind will be able to move it. Branches of trees are ideal, but you could also place a stake in the ground and tie one end of your string to the top of it, with the other end of the string tied to a stone or smaller stake placed in or on the earth. Some people string their prayer flags across the top of a porch, or from tree to tree. You can add several prayer flags to your line.
Whenever you see your flag dancing, allow your heart to go out on the winds with your prayer.

Wendy sent me a card from this site once and it has the neatestest stuff on it. Thanks Wendy!!
Peace and New Beginnings to all of you today.


yellowdoggranny said...

what a great idea...wonder if i put enough of these prayer flags, O.T. will go back to philedelphia..????and jerry jones dick will fall off...?hmmmmmm?

Linda said...

I think I've seen this sort of thing in National Geographic or the Travel channel or such. All I can remember is a long atring with many coloured pieces of cloth flapping in the breeze against a dark blue sky. In Tibet they are far up so the sky seems a deeper colour than down where we are. All the little flags were full of writing. I guess they were the prayers you were talking of...

Cassandra said...

Happy Spring Equinox to you too... a few days late. Pardon the lexa-coma I was in...