I have studied A Course in Miracles for many years. I was looking this morning at my home page which is set to The Miracle Times, doing my daily lesson. I remember this lesson in particular more than any other except the lesson on the Holy Instant. I remember vividly the first time I read it, where I was...what I was feeling, the scents of the house... the texture of the walls. The weather.
My life changed that day. March 15th,1993.
My copy of The Course is page worn and highlighted in different colors for everytime I have read individual passages. I started marking in the margins when the page could not take any other colors without the words being no longer legible. I still mark the date each day on each lesson and each passage I read.
I lived in Pend Orielle County WA. at the time. I had a really old house that sat on 150 acres bordered by BLM land. My land encompassed a whole mountain...( if you have ever seen Kevin Costner's film ,The Postman, the movie was filmed in the town and surrounding area where I lived. Many of my freinds were extra's in the movie.). I loved that place.
Back to my point...the weather that day was a typical early spring day (we called it MUD Season, not Spring) the sun had came out for a little while and the clouds were beginning to roll in again. I had read my lesson, and stepped out onto my porch to take in some sun. It was snowing on one side of my yard and sunny on the other. Like a split screen picture. It was a very strange feeling. I was in awe that I got to see it.
It did the same thing here today. In exactly the same chronilogical order. Read. Stepped outside. Said ...WHOA...
Yup...weird...Good wierd, but weird.
Synchronicity of the day, #1.
My slogan for my Hynotherapy practice is:
Changeworks has been my Practice's name since I started it. A long, long time ago.
I always say re-member who you really are.
I came back in the house and started readin my email. The very first one I opened said this:
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~ Melody Beattie
Melody Beatty wrote Co-dependant No More and several other books, which I was also reading at the time I started A Course in Miracles.
I immediately lost my train of thought and wondered what she is doing now. She changed a lot of woman's lives. I ran a search on her and here came Synchronicity #2.
Ok. YOU have my full attention, NOW. What do you want me to do? Said a prayer of gratitude....Let it go...
The very next email I opened said this:
You will receive answers. be prepared to accept what is given.daily engage with Self and re-member, too, Listen... Listen again... Listen deeply.questions, of course, will elicit true response. ask well.
I swear to God, Goddess...All there is.