I have recieved several e-mails today wanting to know if I was ok. Thank You!! It feels good to know somebody notices when I am not here...
Here is a sample of my average day :
12 AM: Wake up hot flashing. Strip Naked. Lay there til I cool off and try not to wake up Dale.
12:20 AM: Give up on that bullshit. If he wakes up, he wakes up. Crawl out of bed. Start freezing. Put warm dry jama's back on. Shut the french doors and go lay on the couch. Fall asleep...
1:00 AM: 17 year cat with Kidney and Kitty Alzheimer's disease wakes me up yowling like he is part Siamese because he wants tuna fish juice. He thinks...no.. he wants water...no...he changed his mind. He wants outside. No... wait it is cold out there and he is afraid of the dark these days. I take him outside. He wants right back in. We cuddle up under the blanket again, on the couch.
1:30 AM: Fall asleep again.
2:ooAM: Wake up with another Hot flash. Strip naked til I cool off. Now I am freezing and I need to go back in the bedroom to get more dry jammy's. Open the French doors...Wake up Dale. Dale turns into Satan. Satan falls back to sleep. I crawl in bed and fall asleep again.
2:30 AM: Repeat scenario 1...plus the Cat starts his thing again.
3:00 AM: Rpeat all every half hour until 5:30 or 6 AM if I am lucky.
6 AMish: Give up. Get up and make coffee. Answer all email as caffiene kicks in.
JEESH I am getting tired reading this. I better go take a nap and finish it later....