Thursday, February 09, 2006


The previous post was supposed to be posted at The Church.
Dumb ol' me. I bow in humility.

This was supposed to be here:

You can't control other people. Not even a little; not a smidge. Every man and woman is their own sailing vessel powered by their own thoughts, emotions and imagination. You can't improve their smile, nor even add to their woes, unless, at some level, they let you.
So, does that pretty much clear up the affect others can have on you?
You rule -

Just don't let them know you're ticklish...


Anonymous said...

Great post. I like what you said and it is so true. It happened to me just recently.

Cassandra said...

the ticklish thing is the secret!! ;)

Linda said...

I have been watching all the Alice in Wonderland illustrations. Did I ever say that was one of my favourite childhood books? And did you see my Cheshire Cat that Denise hooked up for me?[OK I have to ask. Please translate "other things" It bugs me everytime I visit :-o ] *chuckle*