Saturday, April 01, 2006


Check this out! My dream is to go up in space. There is a lot of information on space ports and travel on this blog. I loved it.


Linda said...

As you know, my biggest wish is to FLY. I don't mean in an airplane, etc. Been there, done that, boring. I am like you. I found a aite that I saved to my favourites. Of course it would cost me thousands to go that I havn't got, and they would prob refuse me for health reasons. They have a big plane that goes way up and flies in such a way that there is zero gravity and youi float around and turn somersalts and everything...Now I will go see your website and your dearest wish..hugz, Linda PS who is Dale doing now his treatment is over? I'm so happy it is all done, now you guys can move forward

Linda said...

I visited. This is the first "outer space" blog I have been to see and I love his idea of space motels. I'd love to go if they ever got them up there, and if I could get past the health restrictions...