I have a lot of pictures to upload from the last month or so. It seems every time I try, I am not able for one reason or another. Blogger issues I imagine. I know there have been a lot of problems, but I have been here a very long time, and tho it takes awhile when they do have a problem, they always fix it. I am so glad Bab's blogs are back and no harm except frustration have happened.
Isn't that amazing! I always waondered how people took all those cool night-time pictures (guess you have to have something better than a throwaway camera,hehehehe) Yes, alls well that ends well with Babs blogs. If that had happeded to me, it would be like trying to get around without an arm or leg or something. My blogs mean that much to me. I have 4 of them now, plus a hidden one to keep notes on, etc. hugz, Linda
You will not believe how hard it was for me to post my latest photography works. It was painful, i like this pic, you must have had a good zoom on the camera to get that close to the moon.
now if we could figure out how to stick a scorpion right on top of it..i would have another picture for my blog site...if i had taken that picture.it would have been solid black..
one of my favorite dorothy quotes is:lifes to shor to stuff a mushroom...an the one where she said if she had one more drink she would be under the bartender..
we just got a new book at library and it is articles, stories, quotes etc by her...i am getting it thursday....
I love the one about "I should have never put my eggs all in one man"
I love her....
The moon is beautiful. Blogger has been terrible this week , slow and I had a hard time with pictures also. Night photography, sounds interesting. Do you use a special camera for that?
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