Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I was over at Yellow Dog Granny's this morning catching up on her posts. Phobia's are interesting, and tho they are not funny when you have them, they can sure be a lot of fun when you make fun of the names and make your own phobia's up. Thanks Jac...now I am going to be stuck on that for awhile.
I did a post on NASCAR Driver's Phobia's in Oct.
I developed Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia after working on that post. The phobia's named in that post are all real with real descriptions. NOT real Driver's phobia's of course (don't wanna get sued here), but real names of real phobia's. So any way if you can imagine:
If you are living with hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, what is the real cost to your health, your career or school, and to your family life? Avoiding the issue indefinitely would mean resigning yourself to living in fear, missing out on priceless life experiences big and small, living a life that is just a shadow of what it will be when the problem is gone...
Most phobia's are caused by a one time experience.
Now I will get a phobia of developing a phobia.
If you want to learn about Phobia names and see which one's you have go here: The Phobia List. They have posted from A-Z ...there is a warning on the front page that says:
If you are looking for a phobia and the name is not on the list then we don't have it. You can even buy a poster with all the Phobia List on it. The site is a lot of fun.
What phobia is this? Scriptophobia.


Unknown said...

I definitely have Acrophobia ir a fear if heights. I look down from a high place and I want to jump, so I stay away from high places. Even getting up on a chair makes me nervous. I am going to go to that sight and look around. Thanks.

yellowdoggranny said...

i have enclosure phobia, hight phobia, going over bridges phobia, being in wal-mart phobia, tight things around my neck phobia,assholes in the white house phobia...but i will survive...oh yes, i will survive...

Clance' McClannahan said...

Well as your little motivational saying goes, Jac...Chin up, tit's out.
We could create a name people who get that phobia when we are in that mode...

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Unknown said...

Useful blog containing the information's of the Phobias and its effects. Most of the people are suffering because of the Phobias a fear on something and Anxiety. When I suffered because of phobias. I have faced lot of problems in myself. The main thing which make so depressed is I cant enjoy my life with good confidence always I use to fear of the things around me Later I found a good solution for my problem through Hypnosis. They provided a good solution through various hypnosis and hypnotherapy technique. After trying hypnosis I got a good improvement in my self confidence and self control.

Thoughts Become Reality - Hypnosis